Thursday, 31 May 2012


Today I haven't done much, not other than what I usually do; which is work! But that is completely fine, I love working! I just got home half an hour ago, left at 10:30.. I'm just lazing out on the couch right now.
I did more yesterday though; I had the day off, first I had to go to VUC here in Thisted, since I'm gonna start school again after the holiday, just gotta pull myself together this time! Which I swore to myself I would..
Then after that Kasper & I, took off to Struer, where we ate in Restaurant ''Limone'', which is right above the cinema, & then we watched Men In Black 3, it was a good movie, but I still think part 1 was much better! It's been a while since Kasper & I have hung out together, also been a while since we've been outta Thisted, so it was nice to get away for a bit. I indeed had a great time! :-)

xoxo A-Lo.

  Great way to start out the day!

 // Leather jacket -Sisters Point. Tubetop & treggings -H&M. //

Monday, 28 May 2012

Better in time

Got up at 6.30 am this morning to go to work, as well as tomorrow. I'm really tired, don't feel like doing much after I came back home. I was supposed to be with a girlfriend right about now, but she cancelled cause she wasn't feeling too well. It's fine, I also just feel like lazing around, although I just put on a load of laundry, so I'm not that useless. Alot of stuff has been going around in my head, one thing that's filling my thoughts alot is; when someone does something wrong in your eyes, (even after if you tell them, that if they do it, you don't wanna know them,) should you forgive them? It depends on what it is, but this one thing really broke me, it really teared me down, & it didn't even have anything to do with me. I just cannot accept it. To me, some things are just unforgiveable. I don't care if it's a close friend or a person in my family, they can f*** off.
I hope this shit that you're doing gets back to you one day, & when it does, do not come crying to me, I warned you, now it's too late..

Some things are unforgiveable..

Back to being positive; I'm really trying to gain weight now! Really ironic, most of the people I know, are trying to lose weight! But I'm tired of being this slim, if I could just put on 5 kilos, I'd be happy! So trying to add alot of cheese, milk, yogurt & nuts into my daily diet. If any of you have suggestions on what to eat to gain weight, please write a comment below :-)


 // Top -Just Female. Shorts -Global Funk //

Friday, 25 May 2012

Towards the sun

It was up to 28 degrees today! Lovely, just lovely; almost too hot at one point, but I'm so not complaining.
It was a busy busy day today. I didn't sleep very long, even though I started up pretty late last night, (Line & I were watching Vampire Diaries) but it was so hot in the bedroom, I really couldn't sleep in that heat. We, Kasper, his Mum & I, took Ninja to the vet (she's completly fine.) Then we went out to get an icecream with Kaspers parents. After that Kasper & I walked through town & peeped into shops, although I did a bit more than peeping, bought a pair of shoes & a really cute dress, oops! ;) I'll put up pictures another time.
I decided to get a pair of Rayban sunglasses that I saw, but that'll have to wait, as I have other stuff I wanna buy first. I bought a sandwich at ''Kvix'' & then we went back home. About an hour later, my sis Maria asked if I wanted to go out with her & Zoey, for a couple hours. We went to a shoe shop, bought pizza, went to the beach & ate there on the grass. So cozy!
I have to get up at 6.30 am tomorrow, so early bedtime for me tonight!

xoxo A-Lo :-)

// Outfit of The Day; Sun-dress & Duffy wedges //

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wherever you will go

Kasper & I have been together for 3 years & 7 months today! Not cause it's a special number, but I just love knowing that for each month that goes by, we've been together longer! Usually we have ''pancake day'' on our anniversary, but today Kasper came by at work, to pick me up, then he asked me if I wanted to get something to eat, but cause I wasn't that hungry, we only got a chinabox, & sat outside on some stairs by a fountain. We
decided to save the pancakes for another day ;) Other than that; I've been at work from 7 am till 4 pm, my legs are really tired, so I'm just relaxing on the couch, untill I have to go to bed, cause have to be at work at 7 am again tomorrow..
Kasper, I love you babe <3


Monday, 21 May 2012

All the beautiful things

So far I've spend the day with my Mum. I took her out to eat at Café Salto, the food was great, ordered my favourite dish ''The Sizzling Duet'' , it's always so good! After that we went to the piercing store, so I could get my tooth jewelery again, the last one fell off cause I ate some really hard candy! Awesome.. Then we went down to the dock & sat on the bench & enjoyed the weather, the water &the view! It was pretty hot today, 23 degrees! Nice day for an icecream or a ice cold beer ;) So you guys better go out & enjoy the weather!
Right now I just came home, first thing I did was turned on my laptop & started blogging! I love to blog, even though my life is not that interesting, I do hope someone likes to read about me, my thoughts etc. & hopefully, start making this blog into more pictures just as much as there is words! Just have to pull myself together ;) Now I'm gonna wash some work clothes for tomorrow morning, & gonna sort out my closet! Cause half of the stuff in there I don't use. So rather give them away, so I can buy some more :D hehe

I hate mondays, but this one is pretty good so far!
xoxo A-Lo.

 // Blouse & skirt -H&M. Tights -Caroline Flemming //

// My newest sunglasses -Brand unknown //

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Just a lil' bit

I was off this weekend, so Saturday was spend on a birthday party, (Kaspers sister), it was cozy & the weather wasn't too bad either. There was alot of people, think it was about 60+!
I drank a bit on alcohol, it's funny, I really can't handle thinking much any more; just after a beer, I felt as if I had like 5! Haha..
We took some pictures, I'll put up a few at the end of this post. Today the day went on relaxing, & not doing anything at all, I didn't sleep at all last night, maybe an hour or two. I don't know why, but I just can't sleep in any other bed but my own (we spend the night at Kaspers parents neighbors place)

RIght now I'm watching Scream 2, classic! & eating popcorn. Tomorrow I'm gonna spend some quality time with my Mum, I'm taking her out to lunch. It's gonna be really nice to spend time with just her, not very often that it's just the two of us.
You guys have a good night, xoxo A-Lo.

 // Shirt, skirt & necklace -H&M //

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Somebody that I used to know

Gotye's hit song ''Somebody that I used to know has been going around my head the whole day. Now it really is, I'm not in a really good mood now, I just have no respect left for a certain person whatsoever.. WIth that being said; 2012 has not been close to being one of the best years yet, more like one of the worst so far. Bad things just seem to keep happening, otherwise nothing happens! I guess that's better than more bad things happening, but I'm still smiling, trying not to be so negative :)
Today I've been working, took a nap when I came home, ate, washed clothes, otherwise I've seen ''Friends'' all day, haven't really seen it for a while, & I've also got the complete box, so would be a shame it let that go to waste! So I'm gonna start spending my days on ''Friends'' for a while, that makes me smile.
I would really love to be outside taking pictures with my Canon, but it's been so windy, also it's been raining, so inside I'll stay!
Here's the link to ''Somebody that I used to know'' if you wanna listen :) Enjoy!

xoxo A-Lo.

// White tubetop & blue treggings -H&M //

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day; I didn't get to celebrate very much of it with my Mum; cause I had to go the work from 5pm-11pm, but I was over at her place for a couple of hours before I left for work.
I want to dedicate this post to my Mother.
Mum, you're not just my Mother, but my best friend, you've been there for my, thick & thin. No matter what, I can always count on you. We've shared laughs & tears, either way, both made me stronger. I'm proud to call you my Mother. I love you, your Anna <3 

 // Plant that I gave to my Mum //

 // Chocolates that I gave to my Mum //

// The worlds best Mother, for me // 


Last night we had a party, for the employees at my work, it was really cozy! I didn't get drunk, once again.. But I had a really good time.Some pictures from the night will be come up later on, as I didn't take any, but one of my friends did. 
Right now I'm waiting to go over to my Mum, to give her a gft & wish her ''Happy Mother's Day''
Have a good Sunday.

// Outfit Of The Night // Dress from