Friday, 25 May 2012

Towards the sun

It was up to 28 degrees today! Lovely, just lovely; almost too hot at one point, but I'm so not complaining.
It was a busy busy day today. I didn't sleep very long, even though I started up pretty late last night, (Line & I were watching Vampire Diaries) but it was so hot in the bedroom, I really couldn't sleep in that heat. We, Kasper, his Mum & I, took Ninja to the vet (she's completly fine.) Then we went out to get an icecream with Kaspers parents. After that Kasper & I walked through town & peeped into shops, although I did a bit more than peeping, bought a pair of shoes & a really cute dress, oops! ;) I'll put up pictures another time.
I decided to get a pair of Rayban sunglasses that I saw, but that'll have to wait, as I have other stuff I wanna buy first. I bought a sandwich at ''Kvix'' & then we went back home. About an hour later, my sis Maria asked if I wanted to go out with her & Zoey, for a couple hours. We went to a shoe shop, bought pizza, went to the beach & ate there on the grass. So cozy!
I have to get up at 6.30 am tomorrow, so early bedtime for me tonight!

xoxo A-Lo :-)

// Outfit of The Day; Sun-dress & Duffy wedges //

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