Saturday, 2 June 2012

I'm Apple crazy & I know it!

This weekend seems to be starting out great! Yesterday after work, 2 girls I work with, were gonna have a cozy night together, when I got off work, they came to ask if I wanted to join them, that was a nice surprise! So I hung out with them for a few hours, we drank a few beers, ate chips with dip, talked, listened to music, really cozy! :) Then I went home, I hate walking home alone, in the dark, but I survived! Thankfully.. I was home about 3am, & I went straight to bed. Today Kasper & I, went to Struer, to pick up my Macbook, which I've been waiting for a couple weeks now, but it was worth the wait, I love it! I'm crazy about Apple products; I also have an iPhone, iPod, iPad & now a Macbook! But that's it now! I'm not gonna collect anything else, hopefully :p
We then drove to Holstebro, after we had been in Struer, there Kasper bought a new headset in Fona, as his had just broke last night. We were really hungry, since neither of us had eaten breakfast, so we decided to get a bite to eat.. More like 100 bites! We went to ''Jensens Bøfhus'' to eat, & their food was so tasty! As usual. Then we went back to Kasper's parents place, stayed there until dinnertime, & after that we drove back home. 
Right now I'm figuring out how my new laptop works, & listening to Lady Gaga! I've gone totally crazy about her again!
Hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend :-) xoxo A-Lo.

 What we ate before the real food arrived
 All of my Apple products.. From right to left; iPad, Macbook, iPod & iPhone.

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