Sunday, 22 April 2012

Okay, so I didn't get drunk in town last night; or even tipsey! :( for some reason I didn't feel like drinking... But I had tons of fun in town with my sister Maria, & we danced alot! The band ''Suspekt'' sang live at ''Dampmøllen'', there was alot of pushing & shoving from people cause they wanted to stand closest to the stage, & I really got annoyed with this bitch that kept pushing me cause she was dancing like crazy! At the end I just shoved her away, stupid girl.. I really don't know what was wrong with people yesterday, but there was a bit fighting, & even one guy threatened my life 'cause we wouldn't dance with him. He is someone I know, for security reasons I'm not gonna mention his name, but he is a small & skinny fellow, that couldn't fight for the life of him, so I'm not scared at all. Apart from all that; I had a cozy time with Maria & looking forward to doing it again some time :)
I just came home from work, put on a load of laundry & gonna clean up around the apartment a bit. Kasper isn't home yet; haven't seen him since friday afternoon, I miss him..

A few pictures from the night are below, enjoy :-)

 // Outfit of the Night // Dress from Sparkz

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