Monday, 30 April 2012

Relaxing weekend!

I was off work this weekend, it was lovely! I stayed in my pj's most of the day & evening on Saturday. Saturday night my friend Line called & asked if I wanted to hang out. So we went out for an ice-cream came back to my place to watch a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries, but never got to cause we just talked & talked! Haven't hung out with her for a while so it was really nice not to do anything else but talk! :') She went home after midnight, & I went straight to bed.
Sunday morning I woke up at 10, cause it was my little sisters confirmation, Kasper & I went to the church so we were there at 11, then we drove out to a hut & ate lunch & cake there. It was a long, but good day, & I hope Amanda had a great day as well, so funny to see how fast she's growing up :)
I've been sick the whole weekend though; so that wasn't really fun. Didn't feel up to doing anything but sit. I feel a bit better know, but my stomach is really aching..
Here's some pictures from yesterday :)
I hate Mondays, but have a good one!
Xoxo, A-Lo.

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